Let me introduce myself and explain how my holistic journey all began.. My name is Sabrina. I am an honored Certified Usui Reiki Master under the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui, and a Chopra Center Certified Perfect Health Ayurvedic lifestyle Instructor. My love for cooking and experience have helped me to acquire a sharp sense of taste, demanding nothing but the best. Nutritional benefits comes from being a Plant-based/Vegan and eating Gluten-free and only organically grown foods.. and most of my beauty products can be found in the kitchen cupboard. Contrary to modern medicine, I use a variety of herbal remedies to treat and heal various ailments.. and my personal blends of essential oils have replaced the contents of my medicine cabinet.. along with other everyday items.
Ayurveda "The Science of Life" has taught me how to live mindfully, in which I'm an advocate of.. and have been practicing for quite some time now. I was introduced to Usui Reiki & Ayurveda after developing a persistent and severe digestive disorder.. in which modern medicine was ineffective. Nutritional dietary changes gave me the opportunity to discover and develop new Ayurvedic approved meals. Yoga and meditation also became a very intricate part of my life and in my healing.
I also discovered the amazing benefits of Reiki "The Universal Life Force Energy." I work intuitively with this energy through my holistic wellness & Usui Reiki energy healing & training practice.. and can help you better understand the state of your emotional body and the underlying cause of your health issues. Not only will I serve to help treat the condition.. but to help explain the story behind it.
What's your story? More importantly.. let's discover it together!
An introduction to a 5,000 year old healing system based on Vedic philosophy. Ayurveda originated in ancient India and is considered to be not only a traditional.. but the original system of medicine. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda "the science of life" emphasizes on restoring optimal health through balancing the mind, body and spirit.. focusing primarily on prevention and the underlying causes of illness and disease.
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3133 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, Ontario L9S 4C7, Canada
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