Chakra Balancing:
The Crown Chakra is located at the center of the top of the head, and is represented by the color of violet. The attributes of this Chakra are cosmic consciousness, unity, communion, inner peace, refinement, beauty, and grace. Blockages can express themselves in the form of despair, destructiveness, alcoholism, and egoism.
"I am at one with the Universe."
"I am open and receptive to all life."
"I am at peace."
The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyes, and is represented by the color of indigo blue. The attributes of this Chakra are concentration, clarity, awareness, detachment and intelligence. Blockages can express themselves as coldness, bitterness, meanness and ungraciousness.
"I radiate love, clarity, & integrity."
"My thoughts are clear & focused."
"I know who I am."
The Throat Chakra is located at the center of your throat, and is represented by the color turquoise. The attributes of this Chakra are creativity, self-expression, spiritual will and clear communication. Blockages can express themselves in the form of difficulty communicating, suppressed feelings, untruthfulness, gossip, and lack of creative expression.
"I express my true self."
"I express myself creatively & openly."
"I love & trust my creative gifts."
The Heart Chakra is located at the center of your chest, and is represented by the color green or pink. The attributes of this Chakra are purity, innocence, love, harmony, balance and brotherhood or sisterhood. Blockages can express themselves in the form of hatred, selfishness, resentment and callousness.
"I am willing to love myself."
"I open myself to receive love."
"Love is everywhere."
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just under the sternum, and is represented by color yellow. The attributes of this Chakra are self-respect, integrity, self-worth, good judgment, decision making, and personal power. Blockages can express themselves in the form of a lack of self confidence, low self respect, poor judgment, and an inability to make decisions.
"I am worthy."
"I am worth my weight in gold."
"I am worthy of my own self-love."
The Sacral Chakra is located about two fingers down from the navel, in the center of your pelvis, and is represented by the color orange. The attributes of this Chakra are well-being, pleasure, sexuality, abundance and prosperity. Blockages express themselves in the form of Greed, Manipulation, Guilt, and Promiscuity.
"Who I am is enough."
"What I have is enough."
"All is well in my Universe."
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, and is represented by the color red. The attributes of this Chakra are structure, stability, security, manifestation, commitment, patience and order. Blockages express themselves in the form of fear, frustration, restlessness, even violence.
"I am safe & secure at all times."
"I have a strong foundation in life."
"Life is good."
When you program a crystal, you're aligning the energy of the stone with your intent, thereby directing the energy of the stone in a more powerful and focused manner.
Programming is simple.
That's it! Now, put the crystal in a place where you'll see it often, or keep it in your pocket. Or, if jewelry, put it on. Feel free to reprogram your crystal whenever you feel. Also reprogram a crystal at a later time for a different purpose, but be sure to cleanse it first. Crystal cleansing is a must!
Trust your intuition about crystal cleansing. Cleansing them every week or two is sufficient, depending on how you feel and the type of environment you're in. If you have any emotional experiences or are around extreme negativity, cleanse them. There are a number of cleansing methods.
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